“Empowering Lives, Enriching Futures: Our City, Our Home, Our Hope" - Serving as the Hands and Feet of Christ"

Every shared story, every heartfelt smile, every transformed life — it all springs forth from the generous spirit of caring. Welcome to Neighborhood Christian Centers, where compassion meets action, and being a neighbor means going beyond the ordinary. Here, lending a cup of sugar or offering a coat to someone in need isn't just a gesture; it's an instinct. It's knowing your neighbor's name, recognizing the unspoken needs, and weaving a fabric of community where kindness is as natural as breathing. Step into a place where compassion is not just lived; it's given, and being a true neighbor means being there for one another in the smallest and most significant ways.

Welcome to Our Neighborhood!

At Neighborhood Christian Centers, we believe in the transformative power of compassion and community. We are more than a non-profit; we are a family dedicated to uplifting lives, nurturing futures, and fostering a sense of pride in our beloved city. Join us on a journey where every act of kindness reverberates, creating ripples of positive change throughout the neighborhood!

Our Mission

Why NCC Cares


We love our city, and we show it through actions that matter. You can be a part of the help too! Check out our Volunteer page to be a part of the neighborhood team.

Holistic Support

From homelessness to education and employment, we address every aspect of individual well-being. Explore our Pillars of Service page to delve deeper into the impactful ways we serve our community.

Empowerment through Work

Our bakery not only serves delicious treats but also provides hands-on job training for a brighter future. Discover the essence of our mission at the Holey Cakes bakery and show your support by indulging in a delectable treat!

Join Us In Building

a Better Tomorrow

Whether you're driven by a passion for making a difference or in search of support, Neighborhood Christian Centers warmly invites you to join our community-driven movement. Together, we have the power to transform lives, one act of kindness at a time.

You can make an impact right where you are, whether you're a local resident or have heard about us from across the country! There are myriad opportunities to contribute to the Neighborhood Christian Centers community, such as participating in our annual simulated travel event, "Spring Jam," supporting youth education through "Read 21" by dedicating an hour to help kids read, packing food boxes for the elderly, or providing vital financial support through monetary donations. Visit our volunteer page and or make a donation today to play a crucial role in sustaining these impactful programs.

Matthew 25:35-36

“For I was Hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”